Sunday, February 26, 2012

Dental Health

Greys are known plaque formers. To prevent gum disease, tooth loss and other diseases linked to poor oral health, we brush our greys' teeth every night, they have occasional dental treats and once a year dental cleaning (sometimes once every 2 years, well, they are expensive!).  I am just thrilled that they tolerate the brushing, yep, they don't offer  much in terms of struggle.  Louie even looks forward to it (I bet it's because of the peanut butter flavored toothpaste!).  There are some biting the brush but so far, I still have all 10 fingers intact.

Hanna just had her dental cleaning done last Friday.  Couldn't help but admire her  cleaner & whiter teeth after the procedure (our vet did a great job).  She has gingivitis and some periodontal infection so we were sent home with some Flagyl and Royal Canin dental diet kibbles.  The pics below are her post -$416 teeth cleaning shots.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Winter Has Arrived!

We are used to several months of long dark days, bitter cold and snow for a good 4-5 months of the year. This year is a different story. No white Christmas, no bitter cold in fact we have a mild winter so far (knock on wood). It's not that I am complaining (it has actually been good for our heating bills) but the plants and trees are probably confused. My daffodils & crocuses are already feeling spring (they are coming out). Then the snow came in all its glory this weekend-yup, all 12 inches of it...

So Hanna, our snow dog, has been so happy trotting and skipping on snow. Louie on the other hand, our pup from the Florida rescue group, is obviously not too thrilled about it. Their winter coats really help in temperatures like these. I would feel bad if I am all covered up while my 2 pups (with probably 0% body fat) are not. The hood that I made from an old sweater sleeve also helped in preventing the tips of Louie's ears from bleeding. It is always such a production getting ready to go out but I say the pups are both so worth it all. Here we are getting ready to go out.

Saturday, February 4, 2012