They say, it is better to get a second dog as soon as the first dog/grey gets settled in so the acceptance-bonding phase for these dogs will be easier and faster. Some say, take your time, when you're ready, you'll know it...
We got our Hanna September 9th, 2007. We got our second grey February 9th, 2008. Just 5 months apart and it worked perfectly for us.
A second grey in our household was a remote idea until my dear husby asked me Christmas Day 07 what I think of a second grey since Hanna is obviously happier when she sees her good grey friend, T. I knew my husby was seriously thinking about it and it also appealed to my common (but sometimes, too practical) sense--greyhounds are pack animals, they've always been with other greys and although Hanna is happy with us, she'd be happier if she has a brother or a sister, especially when I start working again...Several minutes later, we got an update call from our friends (who were babysitting Hanna for Christmas, we went out of town to visit family out west and we can only entrust our baby to our friends who also have greys). Apparently, she was having a blast spending Christmas with her other good grey friends, C & P, and her foster parents, K & J. Talks of a second grey came and next thing I know, we were applying for fostering a straight from the track grey.
Time flew fast and by first week of February, we learned we were already "profiled" and we are fostering a boy. We specified, low energy, cat-safe, not too dominant either male or female...we were both excited for Hanna...
Fostering is a good way to get to know (and of course help the greyhounds adjust from kennel life to pet life) your potential adoptee. The adoption group worked hard to match a family with the right grey but sometimes, it just doesn't work out.
Morning of Feb 9, we waited for the adoption ladies and their 3 newly received greys...fresh from the Florida of the ladies, a good friend of ours, informed us earlier that our "rent-to-own" boy is a fawn and his track name is quite long so somebody suggested naming him Louie...We really didn't care about the color or gender--as long as he/she is catsafe and Hanna will like him/her...Then we saw him, all 67 lbs (in a frame that should be weighing 75 lbs)of him--oh, I don't believe in love at first sight but--I know he is ours...He is big, nervous, hungry and tired but very handsome (George Clooney handsome)...
Welcome home, Louie!
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