Yep, it is back. On the other paw. I kept beating myself why I didn't buy 2 more Thera-Paw booties instead of additional one only. My theory is that since greys are very thin-skinned, Hanna is a typical example, and with all the ash tree seeds with pointy ends (more like needle-like) everywhere, her paw got scratched, got licked and wet and voila, got infected!
We are now on day 4 of having 4 booties on her. We are doing conservative management (conserve money of the owners, kidding, just keeping the wound clean, disinfected and dry) because the first 2 episodes in the other paw racked us up a hefty vet bill to the tune of more than 2K (vet fee, diagnostics, blood work and antibiotics). We love our critters but they get expensive.
So I am keeping my fingers crossed. Even our very experienced vet is puzzled by this. Last thing I want is another hole on my dog's skin (FNAB of lymph node).